We are excited to have Michael Alcott at the haunt in October. Known in the movies as Darryl the Chicken Guy from The Devil’s Rejects and Fat Randy Bumpagussy from @robzombieofficial ‘s 31. If you are fan of Rob’s movies than you absolutely know Darryl and Randy. He has one of the most memorable scenes in The Devil’s Rejects, and by far the most ridiculous. He was also in @adamsandler ‘s The Do-Over Movie. We will have a faux chicken on site for you to get pictures with Michael. Yes he is the Chicken Lover! Limited Meet and Greet Tickets will be available to meet Michael before the haunt opens and he will be in our lobby all weekend long! Tickets are on sale September 1st.
Sign up for our email list at www.everhaunt.com for an exclusive early ticket window!
#thedevilsrejects #darrylthechicken #everhaunt #robzombie #michaelalcott